Friday, February 29, 2008

Gas Pipe Explosion in Lyon

I was watching the news yesterday lunch time when they announced that there had been a gas pipe explosion in the centre of Lyon, on Cours Lafayette near Part Dieu train station and shopping centre, a really busy area. I found this map on the net of where the explosion occured.

It was a big explosion and you could see the cloud of smoke from miles away, I could see it quite clearly from bedroom window. On the news they reported that 17 people had been involved, but couldn't confirm who was dead or injured. It was all over this morning's papers and has been confirmed that a fireman was killed in the blast and 40 people injured. Cours Lafayette is also one of the most used traffic routes in, out and through Lyon, so the upset to city's traffic is going to be immense. Le Progres (the regional newspaper for Lyon) had these two pictures for its front cover this morning.

I know this is a bit of a morbid post, but its a pretty major thing to happen to Lyon and i thought it important to mention it.

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